I just read a book about a Kindergarten teacher that ended every day with a round of Hokey Pokey. At the end of the song the kids waited with baited breath and wobbly freeze poses to throw their "whole selves in"; which, of course, they did with unfettered abandon. I remember those days. Days where every game was positively plush with anticipated challenges and even some expected let downs. Where a winter game of "King of the Hill" was played with sanctioned recklessness, and every recess was like a mini Super Bowl. Any bumps and bruises we earned during our quest to the top were brushed off; and later, proudly displayed during lunch (especially the really purple, bumpy ones...those boasted of real commitment). And even when, occasionally, someone cracked their coco but good on the ice and had to permanently leave the game, there was only a brief intermission (long enough to fetch the recess lady & have a moment of silence for the fallen) before the we pushed forward again.
But what about now? Do we throw our "whole selves in"? Are we obedient to God, love our families, do the work of servants, honor our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit and build our lives with unfettered, "hokey pokey" abandon. Do we take only brief moments to mourn the let downs and losses and then press toward the mark. Or, do we wrap ourselves in bubble wrap and excuses, stick just our toes in and play it safe ? Are we stuck doing the Chicken Dance, and completely leaving behind the creed of the sorely underrated Hokey Pokey? Your Honor, girls and boys of the recess tribunal...I am guilty as charged. My 40 year-old-self has, on more than one occasion, played it "safe" and walked the VERY long way around the hill instead of going up and over it, much to the chagrin of the 5th grade me.
So what does God have to say about that? How does He feel about being a "Chicken Dancer"? Well, at the very basic level He tells me in James 1:22 "But be DOERS of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." I am to hear and then DO!! I am not to be tricked into thinking that reading my Bible and sagely nodding my head is enough...Hmmm..well, that's pretty straight forward. I am to throw my "whole self" into the work of living and Hokey Pokey my way to being Christ like. I am to be a "doer"!! And, if along the way, I end up with some spectacularly purple bumps and bruises...all the better. That's what is commonly known as LIFE...