Friday, January 11, 2013

Drawstring Christianity or Dirty Dishes and Deep Thoughts

This Sunday brought revelations that would rival any Oprah-esque “ah ha” moment.  It all started when Pastor challenged us with four New Year’s resolutions:

1.        I will pursue joy…through purposeful prayer
2.       I will pursue gratitude…. through purposeful prayer
3.       I will pursue faith and hope… through purposeful prayer
4.       I will pursue love… through purposeful prayer
How shocking, New Year’s resolutions that have nothing to do with our collective waist lines or checkbook bottom lines?  These four simple phrases completely gob smacked me…or more accurately God-smacked me.  You see, for the last 3 weeks or so I had been ridiculously mad and discontent.  Just p.o.’d to beat the band (on a side note, is the band actually getting a beat down or do they get beat in a competition or something…note to self:  google phrase “to beat the band”.  Okay, back to deep thoughts).  I had misplaced my compassion and love.  My faith and hope had floated away.  My gratitude was on life support and my joy was so tied to the nonsense of everyday that it rushed in like a tsunami and receded like a drought.  There was NO consistency and not one piece of spiritual fruit to be had.
For a few days leading up to this message, I had been intermittently poking around my psyche trying to get to the root of the problem.  I washed dishes and gave it a poke; I made the beds and batted a few ideas around; I grocery shopped and somewhere between produce and the frozen foods section, I tried to sort it all out.  Of course, I failed.  What else could have been the outcome when I left God completely out of my “process” (I like to say it like the Canadians do with a long O sound..I think it makes me sound sophisticated).  Not once had I checked in with Him.  I wanted to “fix” myself and then come to Him and say “see…I’ve got it all handled.  I’ve got this…look what I’ve done”.  (Insert hysterical laughter and snorts here)  Yeah, ummm, right…good luck with that.  How in the world did I think I was gonna pull that off, I do not know.  And that’s when it hit me.  I had been practicing an up/down, in/out, push/pull, “drawstring” form of Christianity.
This particular brand of Christianity happens when you are purposefully not purposeful.  When you ebb and flow with the day instead of the Holy Spirit.  It looks a little something like this:  You start Monday off feeling “nearer, my God, to Thee”, all pulled up nice and snug and tight to heaven, eyes aglow with the saving knowledge of God.  It’s Tuesday, and you’re rushing headlong into the week and BAM you hit your first speed bump…could be a broken down car…could be a major to-do with one of your kids, but whatever it is, it loosens your spiritual grip and you slip a wee bit down your spiritual tether, but there’s no time to stop now.  Wednesday is here, and it’s gonna be a loooong one.  What with running around all day and getting the kids to church at night, you are exhausted and cranky by 9pm and slip just a smidgey farther down your line from God.  Thursday dawns, and you realize that there are about five things on your weekly “to do” list that haven’t even come close to happening; soooo instead of taking a breath and drawing closer to God, a tight ball of frustration forms and the self-whipping begins….slllllliiiiip farther away.  FINALLLLLYYY, it’s “TGIF”….only wait, you just realized that you have a house full of people coming over and NOTHING is ready.  You give your kids a crazed rendition of today’s itinerary (and they look at you like you are full-on nutcakes) and when they don’t move fast enough for your liking, you blow your top so hard that the roof actually lifts off its moorings and a weird meaney –faced cloud appears over your house that can be seen for miles around…..sllllllliiiiippppp to the basement.  Saturday opens with a clean but unhappy house.  Everyone is walking on egg-shells around mom lest the “cloud of ugly” reappear for all the county to see.  You are completely tapped by the time everyone arrives for what should be a perfectly lovely day.  You feel rather disconnected from it all and would love to just curl up in bed with a good book and absolutely no thoughts….slllliipppp down into spiritual depression.  NOW IT’S SUNDAY…lots of scrambling ensues (because you were too tired last night to lay out clothes) and there’s lotsa hootin’ and hollerin’ to get everyone out on time.  Your hubby gets some dirty looks shot his way (even if he is completely oblivious to them) because (and I quote from my own nasty internal monologue) “Why didn’t he jump in and just KNOW what to do to help get everyone ready…and FAR BE IT FROM ME to ask…cause I shouldn’t have to ask and so on and so on and…blah blah blah” and you can be heard uttering phrases like "I just wanna have a nice Sunday, please." ….sliiiiipppppp those last few inches into spiritual darkness.  Now you are at church, and you let out a deep sigh, settle in and ready yourself to be pulled in tight to God all over again.  ONLY…WAIT!  Maybe, just maybe, this whole cycle can be stopped in 2013.  Could it be?  Could there really be another way? 
Yes…the answer is yes. 
The cure for the spiritual life-threatening condition of “Drawstring Christianity” is purposeful prayer that leads you to victory in the pursuit of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Prayer is your inoculation against this dreaded condition.  Prayer that matters…not just the prayers we throw over our shoulders like salt for good luck, but rather, prayers that purposefully target our weaknesses and challenges and praise our God for deliverance from them.  No amount of self-speculation over frozen green beans will accomplish what purposeful prayer will.  I can make 2 million beds while trying to be better and do better, but without God in the equation, it is counted as all dross or in Italian terms “garbagio” (which is the Italian “Spanglishly” way of saying “nothin’ but JUNK”). 
Soooo…for 2013 I am resolute.  I will be purposeful in prayer.  I will let those still moments with God lead me to joy, gratitude, faith, hope and deep love.  I will leave my contemplations in the produce department for such deep thoughts as “should I go blonde again” or “is Joaquin Phoenix really a big nutbar or is he just a normal dude with the  great schtick of pretending to be crazy-cakes?”  (yeah…I know.  It’s like a carnival up in here *pointing to my noggin*)